It's that time again. School stress and the anxiety that follows. It has been a stress free, unstructured summer. I wouldn't say it has been great or not filled with its ups and downs, but so much better than when school comes back around.
Even after preparation, several therapy sessions to manage the impact of it all, he has had a rough start. We visited the school for open house, leaving half way through because he just couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle it. So much movement. So much noise. Anxiety is one of those things that can easily take over your life. I've dealt with it all of my life. Now, I see that same fear in him and it shatters my heart into a million pieces. You're fine one minute and then BAM, you are in full on panic attack mode.
Our first morning was fairly easy at home. I worked with him the week before.. Get up early, shower, eat, etc. We had that routine down!
First school day, a complete wash. 10 minute pep talk in the car line. He went in with his head held high. Immediately, it went to him sitting in therapy for an hour, panic attack, stimming, anxious, overwhelmed. A few other things triggered him which made the whole day spiral out of control. Second day, our first email from school. Rough start but finished out the day ok. Third day, to be continued...
I'm hoping as the days go by, he gets into his routine and learns the schedule, things will calm down for him. They have to. He works so hard. He deserves to feel confident with himself and his ability. Everyone deserves this!!
On a positive note, over the summer, he has been completely consumed with game coding and building a website. We were talking about math and how it could be helpful if he chose this for a career one day. For once, he agreed. FINGERS CROSSED this will drive his interest in Math to a whole new level!