Wednesday, September 23, 2015

It's been awhile..

It has been awhile since I wrote something.  I'm so thankful for friends who have stuck with me! 

School started off rocky.  As anything new does.  His second year in high school, a long lazy summer, getting back into routine, new classes, new people.  It is all so much sometimes.  His anxiety has been through the roof and sleeping is so inconsistent.  This crazy combination makes for a rough few weeks.  Pile all of this onto a medicine adjustment.  I won't like, some days it is all I can do but to just keep up.  Keep myself going.  Keep him going.  To keep my own anxiety in check. 

This is the first week, I've not been in contact either by phone, email or in person since school started.  *knocks on wood*  He has so many things swirling around in his head and it projects on how he looks at each day.  I hate that for him.  I think everyone deserves to wake up and JUST be happy. Instead, he wakes up from a sleepless night, anxiety driven, paranoid and anxious.  I'm sure losing so much sleep at night isn't helping either.

After a few weeks and several meetings, I think we have a good plan set in place.  His math teachers this year are excellent.  They are very accommodating of his needs.  Aware of his strengths and struggles and I feel really are taking time to understand how he works.  His resource teacher is new but old.  She was there last year but not the one calling the shots.  She gets him and is non-abrasive in her approach.  That is such a key thing for him.  If you come on too strong, he shuts down.  Very pleased in that aspect of school life.  Let's face it, a good teacher makes all the difference.

So with that said.... Thanks for being here, friends!  Your support helps more than you'll ever know!