He's 15 today! 15?! Where has the time gone? My beautiful baby boy, the one who has always danced to the beat of a different drum. 15!
After a long difficult pregnancy, just shy of my 24th birthday, I gave birth to this long awaited bundle of joy. I remember the day so well. The day my life changed.
At the 16 week mark of my pregnancy, the doctor put me on bed rest. Pre-eclampsia had forced me to slow down. Slowing down was huge for me. I hate asking for help. Period. (I wonder where he gets that from) At 7 1/2 months of my pregnancy, our baby was coming. He was here, my preemie 5lb 9oz bundle of joy.
From the moment I laid my eyes on him, I was in love. Being my first child, I never knew what was typical or not typical. All I knew was love. Love for this child who looked at me with those big blueberry colored eyes and blonde hair.
We have faced many challenges. He has climbed many mountains in such a short time. Some days I wanted to give up on the fight, throw my hands in the air and just give up. Then I look at that boy, the one with the blueberry eyes and blonde hair, his determination to keep going. You know, giving up is not an option. Ever.
He has made me a better person. A better parent. He has given me courage. We are so alike. He pulled me up on those days when I didn't think I could do it. I often leave, find a quiet place and cry my tears. But giving up is never an option. Ever.
So, on your 15th birthday, I want to say thank you. Thank you for being you. Nothing has ever been easy for you but you are a fighter. Full of determination, courage and willpower. Keep doing your thing little boy (not so little anymore) with the blueberry colored eyes and blonde hair. My son, my beautiful courageous son. Never give up. Ever.
You've taught me so many things. Your determination and courage continue to amaze me. I'm so proud to be your mom!
Love always, Mom
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