Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Little ladybug

Now that the weather is warmer, we spend a good bit of our time wandering around in the backyard.  Every spring and summer the kids have always searched for ladybugs.  It has been their thing as long as I can remember.  Such an abundance of ladybugs we have.  As they are getting older, it seems the ladybug searching days are coming to an end. 

As we sit on the patio, the sun radiating upon our skin, searching for ladybugs seems to be an afterthought. 

Before our eyes, a little ladybug lands.  He glares at it with such delight.  As a toddler, he would laugh and laugh, letting it run up and down his arm.  He would catch them and not too long after,  release it back into the wind.  Now, as a teenager he is a more amazed at how things live, breathe, work.   He has such compassion, appreciation and love for the small things in life. 

As I sit and watch, taking it all in.. Memories of that giggly little toddler flashes before me.  I now see this smart, intelligent boy.  Glaring with such curious delight.  Letting the little ladybug dance upon his hand. 

Not every day will be great.  You will struggle.  You will feel alone.  You will feel lost.  Lost in this big world.

But always know, I'll be here when you come my way.  I'll always show you compassion, appreciation and love.  When you are ready.... I'll release you back into the wind. 

Ladybug symbolism:  Good luck, blessings and dreams. 

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