Wednesday, June 10, 2015

HE did it!!

As I sit in the car line waiting for his last day to be over, his last exam for 9th grade, I see him RUNNING OUT!  That smile.  That huge sigh of relief on his face!  He collapses in the back seat.  He did it!  He made it through one of his toughest years of school yet.  I mean, those other years haven't been easy but this year, it has been hell!  

I've been spending the last few days reflecting.  Somewhat depressed about how much we haven't accomplished.  How much more we could have done.  I'm the type of mom who really stays on top of things throughout the year.  Communicating with teachers, working on homework, studying.  I'm not striving for perfection by any means but I want to get the most out of his year, academically and socially.  

Then I snap back to reality.... HE (we) accomplished so much!  We went into the unknown, the first year of a new school, bigger responsibilities , bigger challenges, more accountability for his work and actions.  HE did it!  He took this school year and all of it's crazy challenges, the up and down emotional roller coasters and SMASHED IT.  

I cannot even begin to describe the love and pride that beams from my face and my heart.  I'm honored to be his mother.  This kid is amazing!!  If he has taught me anything it is to look at the good and bad in a situation.  To see what really matters!

"I will conquer the world!!"

                                                           YES YOU WILL!

P.S.  A shout out to my fellow Autism parents for helping me survive this school year.  For listening to me whine and always being there for support.  You know who you are!  

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