Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Transistions are hard!

This school year has been hard.  Like, really hard.  His first year in high school.  The transition was hard for him.  Bigger school, new routines, greater responsibilities.  It started out rocky.  We survived the midway point. We're finishing off rocky.  He's grown so much advocating for himself.  He's grown socially.  Academically he has struggled.  It's hard to watch.  Falling on that downward slope, spiraling out of control.  The tools are there, he refuses to use them.  I often wonder if he will stop living day to day.  If he will ever see the bigger picture.  He's 15 after all.  The realization hits you like a ton of bricks.  I just keep telling myself, keep pushing him.  Keep encouraging and guiding.  No matter what, keep on keepin on. 

This morning on the way to school, our conversation was about senior projects.  They went to see a few yesterday that were set up.  One was on Autism.  A boy within his program is graduating this year.  He has Autism.  

He said-  You know, I want to graduate too.  I wonder what I'll do my senior project on?  

There you have it..  It is in the back of his mind.  I'm sure it was always there.  

He has grown so much.   

Keep on keepin on. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A little goes a long way!

I'm talking positivity.  I'm typically the positive one around here.  I put on that brave face and get us all where we need to go, get things accomplished, give those positive talks on the way to school each morning. 

YOU can do it, I say.  Look at yourself in the mirror.  Say it, I CAN do it!  *fist in the air*

Some days are harder than others.  This past week, I have felt a bit defeated.  Defeated and somewhat deflated.  So many things going in my personal life.  So many things going on at school.  DEFEATED!  Life gets stressful sometimes.  We get caught up in just trying to accomplish everything for everyone.  I would give anything for a boring day again.  Which by the way, IF I ever utter those words again, someone slap me..  <I'm bored>  NEVER AGAIN!

When I least expected it, my kids gave ME the positivity speech.  You know when you don't think they are listening but they really ARE listening.  

Some days I'm so positive, I make myself sick. ..  But someone has to do it, right?!!

Here's to positivity!  HIP HIP HOORAY!!